

Establishment of the Association and its goal

The word, “elder society,” has been frequently used in these days and recognized as no far-distant future society in Japan. In conjunction with enforcement of the long-term care insurance starting from April, 2000, home-nursing care and home medical care have come into the public attention. It is no exception in dentistry. Under the circumstances that dentists who visit homes for dental care have been increasing nationwide, many issues on administration and socially viable dental services will arise. To solve such issues and develop house-visit services for dental care by the dentists, Visiting Dental Association of Japan (VDAJ) was established in April, 2000

Under the reduction of medical expenses that has been socially noted, medical care for the elderly people is undergoing a turning point. For those in need of care, if their oral condition becomes better, the social medical cost will reduce without doubt. Considering not only the growing social needs of house visit for dental care but social contribution or responsibility, the spread of house-visit services for dental care is urgent for those related to dentistry. The VDAJ’s goal is to offer high quality of house-visit services for dental care based on both physical and psychological healthcare for those who are in need of house-visit services for dental treatment and oral care.


I have been making house visits for dental care for more than 18 years in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. At the beginning, we were not well equipped for such visits and experienced hard time during treatment. In particular, when I got calls from patient’s family during winter, I had much trouble as Iwate is snow country. When I saw the patient’s smile after a hard driving to visit him/her and providing treatment, I thought it was a challenging job and I even felt a sense of vocation,Through such experiences as a “visiting dentist”, I have come to know the establishment of the Association (VDAJ) for “visiting dentists” who travel to the homes across the country and assumed a position as Chairman of Directors. Since I am convinced of our activities are very important in dentistry, I would like to ask all of member dentists for their understanding and support to strive for high level of visiting dental care services provided to the patients.

Kenzo Moriguchi,
Chairman of Directors

Brief CV:
1976 Graduated from Iwate Medical University School of Dentistry
1979 to present Founding Director, Moriguchi Dental Clinic

Director, Iwate Dental Association
Administrative Director, Iwate Dental Federation
Councilor, Iwate Medical University School of Dentistry
Visiting lecturer, Iwate Medical University School of Dentistry
Chairman, Japan Postgraduate Dental Association
Director, University of Southern California School of Dentistry
Century Club in Japan Section

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